In 2009, 11 proposals were submitted to the Innovations in Teaching with Technology Awards. The Academic Technology Advisory Council awarded a total of $62,168 for the following three proposals.
Academic Probation Workshop
Diane Hauser, director of Academic Advising in the UI College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, was awarded $20,174 to use Captivate technology to create an interactive, non-credit bearing, online workshop for undergraduate students who have been placed on academic probation. The Captivate technology would enable the workshop to include interactive components so that students can be engaged throughout the workshop.
iPhone and Touch Equipment for Innovation in Interdisciplinary Journalism and Computing Education
James Cremer, Department of Computer Science, and David Perlmutter, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, were awarded $20,174 to purchase equipment for an innovative course in which students worked in interdisciplinary teams to design and implement a reference, utility, or news application for the iPhone. The acquired equipment would be used for similar join courses with other disciplines and for a capstone group project in an informatics major course.
Development and Assessment of Web-Based Student Generated Cause and Effect Diagrams in Science Education
Fred Dee, Department of Pathology; Stephen Hendrix, Department of Biology; and Brian Lia, Department of Political Science, received $32,000 to create a novel web-based exercises in which students can intuitively and efficiently construct multi-step diagrams with arrows depicting causal relationships (i.e., leads to, results in, produces, influences) between and among a set of etiologies, risk factors, events, processes, findings and/or observed phenomena.