In 2004, 18 proposals were submitted to the Innovations in Teaching with Technology Awards. The Academic Technology Advisory Council awarded a total of $100,750 for the following seven proposals.
Pictures and Pedagogy: Digital Technology for the Study of a Unique University Art Collection
Dorothy Johnson, School of Art and Art History, received $10,500 to make available a collection spanning 65 years of artworks created by artists attending the school's graduate studio programs through a web application that combines the relevant data describing the works with digital images of the objects in the collection.
webMathematica Support for Vector Calculus
Keith Stroyan, UI Department of Mathematics, received $24,000 to develop a website to support a full spectrum of multivariable or vector calculus courses.
Digitizing 35mm Slides for Introductory Geoscience Courses
Richard Baker and E.A. Bettis III, UI Department of Geoscience, were awarded $12,000 for a project scanning over 3,000 slides of geological features and making them widely available by putting them on a website. They will eventually be housed in the Geoscience Repository, which also houses the Calvin Collection of historical photographs that is also available on the Geoscience website.
ObjectMover Authoring Tool for Foreign Language Learning
James P. Pusack, UI Department of German, and Sue Otto, Language Media Center, were awarded $10,000 to create a flexible authoring tool, ObjectMover, that will allow instructors to create visually stimulating interactions that learners can use to capture essential components of a web-based text or a streaming video.
A Computer Lab That Is Also a Super-Computing Cluster for Students
Claudio Margulis and Jeffrey Miller, UI Department of Chemistry, received $29,500 to develop a functional cluster out of a lab of computer to harness off-use idle cycle time by using a novel approach. Specifically, the intent is to use VMware to provide Microsoft applications for chemistry students over a Linux base Operating System. At the same time, we wish to develop a computational cluster to expose our undergraduate students to software that is not currently available for student use at the University of Iowa.
An Online Virtual Library as an Emergency Department Bedside Teaching Adjunct and Learning Resource
Christopher Russi, Hans House, and Pooneh Hendi, UI Carver College of Medicine, received $4,750 to develop an educational adjunct for bedside teaching and patient care in the emergency department and to construct an educational library repository to store lectures, medical literature, and streamed videos of visiting professors and procedural skills necessary for emergency medicine.
Web-Based Interfaces for Human Language Technology
Marc Light, UI Department of Linguistics, was awarded $13,150 to build web-based interfaces for a number of human language technologies. Currently, technologies such as part-of-speech taggers and person name extractors have command line interfaces that require an understanding of the Unix operating system and familiarity with scripting language programming.
Information Retrieval for Business Online Course
J. David Martin, UI Libraries, and Laura Leavitt, Tippie College of Business, were awarded $10,000 to develop an online version of a current enrolled course that would allow them to enroll more students in the course and increase the number of undergraduate business students who are competent with using the major business/economics databases.