In 2003, 32 proposals were submitted to the Innovations in Teaching with Technology Awards. The Academic Technology Advisory Council awarded a total of $95,666 for the following eight proposals.

3D Printer for Art Students

Multimedia Content Management at the University of Iowa Libraries

G. R. Boynton, UI Department of Political Science, was awarded $19,050 to digitize approximately 100 years of The Calendar of Patent Rolls: from 1250 to 1350. These are the public records of the kings of England. The other facet of the project is moving these materials into Digitool, a multimedia content management software that will become a part of the library catalogue.

Teaching Data Structures Using Competitive Games

Ramon Lawrence, UI Department of Computer Science, received $5,100 to build a web-based system for supporting competitive programming assignments and evaluate its effectiveness on instruction. The web-based system will contain a facility for automatic assignment marking that reduces the cost in deploying programming projects in courses with large enrollments.

Social Psychology Experiments In Immersive Virtual Social Environments

Lisa Troyer, UI Department of Sociology and Criminology, was awarded $23,000 to introduce a laboratory experience to students in a General Education sociology course, Social Psychology.

Development of a Graphical User Interface for Molecular Modeling in Chemical Education

Jan Jensen, UI Department of Chemistry, received $8,026 to develop a graphical user interface (GUI) to a molecular modeling program called GAMESS (General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System) in order to make it more accessible to chemistry students. Specifically, the development will involve the modification of Ghemical, a freely available program for building molecules.

Virtual Fluids Laboratory

M. Muste, A. Kruger, PhD, and W. Eichinger, UI College of Engineering, received $37,170 to complement the existing Fluid Lab resources to complete a proof-of-concept experiment that will initiate the VFL. Supporting hardware, software, and instruction templates will be added to complete an integrated interactive course material.

Web-Based Interfaces for Human Language Technology

Marc Light, UI Department of Linguistics, was awarded $13,150 to build web-based interfaces for a number of human language technologies. Currently, technologies such as part-of-speech taggers and person name extractors have command line interfaces that require an understanding of the Unix operating system and familiarity with scripting language programming.

Streaming Shakespeare

M. Gilbert, UI Department of English, was awarded $12,293 to transfer plays to a server to ensure course material is more widely accessible.

Mental Health Care in Iowa: The First Century, 1870-1970

A Web-Based Course on Communication Skills for Medical Students on Clinical Rotations

Marcy Rosenbaum, George Bergus, Ellen Franklin, and Justin Stone, UI Carver College of Medicine, were awarded $3,472 to develop an easily accessible communication skills training program by means of Web-Based Instruction (WBI). WBI is a flexible and time-efficient learning method, which puts the learner in control over his or her own learning process. Initially, this communication WBI will consist of two one-hour modules, in which various communication skills and techniques will be presented, based on principles of patient-centered medicine.