In 2001, 12 proposals were submitted to the Innovations in Teaching with Technology Awards. The Academic Technology Advisory Council awarded a total of $84,817 for the following five proposals.
DVD as Art Portfolios
Dorothy Johnson, Steven Thunder-McGuire, Sue Hettmansperger, Chris Roy, Steven Strait, School of Art and Art History, were awarded $25,762 to establish a DVD initiative in the School of Art and Art History to enable students to author, publish and exchange portfolios and other scholarly works on DVD-R medium.
Language Corpora for the Teaching of French Grammar
Downing Thomas and Kathy Heilenman, UI Department of French and Italian, were awarded $7,680 to completely revise the existing 9:112 French Grammar course, putting authentic language corpora and discovery-type activities at its center. Once implemented, the corpora would function as the “text” for the course, providing the raw material to allow students to formulate questions about grammar, devise search strategies, observe the results, compare their results to the "rules" found in reference grammars and textbooks, and draw conclusions. This course would also function as an ongoing research project, since individual student projects (interviews of native speakers, transcription and annotation of these interviews, and compilation of other authentic language sources) would be used to expand the database itself.
Iowa Dental Surgical Simulator
Geb Thomas Clark Stanford, and Lynn Johnson, UI College of Dentistry, were awarded $38,000 for a project to build and evaluate a surgical simulator that uses force feedback, "haptics," to teach and assess the tactile skills of dentistry.
PDAs and Pharmacy Education
Ronald Herman, UI College of Pharmacy, received $2,000 to write software that can be used on personal digital devices and then train students how to use this and other programs that are available for the devices to improve their ability to provide pharmaceutical care at the bedside, without having to go somewhere else to use a computer or without having to use an antiquated, oversized programmed calculator.
Master Music Classes via Video Conference
Coelho and Katherine Eberle, School of Music, received $11,375 to transform Clapp Recital Hall, which seats 720 people, and Harper Hall, which seats 200, in Voxman Music Building into spaces to deliver or receive music instruction or from other institutions using video conferencing over the internet. This service could be used by any professor or student in the School of Music.