Top Hat's integration with ICON allows instructors to synchronize student rosters and grades across the two platforms.

Top Hat LTI 1.3 Settings

Top Hat has a new LTI 1.3 Integration with ICON/Canvas that allows for automatic updates and Canvas links to Top Hat assignments. Top Hat has information on the new integration.

If you would like to try the new integration with a test course, follow these steps:

  1. To connect Top Hat, go to your ICON course, then select Settings in the course navigation menu to the left.
  2. Once there, select Navigation in the options towards the top.
  3. Scroll down to find Top Hat - New and either drag it into place in the top menu or click the three dots next to it and select Enable.Then click Save.
  4. Now you can click on Top Hat - New in your course navigation menu.
  5. You will be taken to a Connect Your Courses page where you can search for and select a Top Hat course, then click Continue at the bottom.

It may take a little bit to load all information, especially for larger courses, but once your courses are connected, Top Hat will update automatically.

Legacy ICON integration

  1. In Top Hat, navigate to your course and click the course settings symbol in the top left of your browser.
  2. Click Legacy LMS Sync.
  3. Click Enable LMS Sync.
  4. Top Hat will ask for permission to sync. Click Authorize Top Hat with your LMS.
  5. You will be taken to ICON. Check that your information is correct, then click Authorize.
  6. The next screen will list your ICON courses available to connect with Top Hat. Select the correct course and click Next.
  7. You will see all sections of that course. Select the sections you want to connect to Top Hat and click Connect. It may take a few minutes for a large course to connect.
  8. You can click Go to Student Manager once your roster finishes importing from ICON.

Enable Top Hat connection for students in ICON

Once you've connected your Top Hat and ICON courses, you can add a menu link that will make it easy for students to set up a Top Hat account and connect directly to your Top Hat course from ICON.

  1. Login to ICON and choose the course connected to your Top Hat course.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Navigation.
  4. Find Top Hat in the list of tools available, click the three dots to the right and then click Enable. You can also drag it from the bottom list of items to the top one.
  5. Click Save at the bottom.
  6. Verify Top Hat is listed in the navigation menu of your ICON course. Now students can connect directly to your Top Hat course from ICON. This connection does not work for instructors.

Update connection between Top Hat and ICON

Once you have connected your Top Hat course with an ICON course, you can sync them whenever you need to update your roster or grades.

  1. In Top Hat, navigate to your course and click the course settings symbol in the top left of your browser.
  2. Select Legacy LMS SYNC.
  3. Choose General Sync to update all ICON and Top Hat information, including grades.
  4. Choose Sync Roster Only to update your roster before presenting in class without syncing grades.
  5. You have options you can adjust when syncing. Click Edit next to any option to explore them.
  6. Click Run LMS sync. Now your ICON and Top Hat information will be synced.

Please be aware that the sync process may take longer for large courses.

Adjust Sync Settings

  1. In Top Hat, navigate to your course and click the course settings symbol in the top left of your browser.
  2. Select Legacy LMS SYNC.
  3. Always click Save after you change options.


  • Grade Export Options will determine how the grades appear as assignments in ICON.
    • Course sends all Top Hat content as one assignment to ICON. Instructors who do this tend to do so once toward the end of the semester.
    • All top level folders sends all top level folders as their own assignments in ICON and updates those folders. Any changes you make to a Top Hat assignment in the ICON Gradebook will be overridden by the the Top Hat gradebook. This option works best if you keep the Top Hat gradebook up to date.
    • Specified folders only allows instructors to choose which folders to sync or update. Most instructors who do this only sync the most recent folders. This option works best for instructors who want to work with the ICON Gradebook more than the Top Hat gradebook.
  • By default, Attendance Options are set to not send attendance as a grade to ICON. If you want attendance to be treated like a grade in ICON, select Attendance is included.
  • Points or Percentage determines how many points Top Hat assignments are worth in ICON.
    • Percentage will make any Top Hat assignments worth 100 points.
    • Points will make any Top Hat assignment worth the amount of points you set it to be worth.

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