Elements of Success (EoS) is a learning analytics platform for students that provides real-time feedback and data visualizations on student performance, including a current estimated grade. This study examined the relationship between student use of Elements of Success and academic performance among at-risk students in an introductory chemistry course. Specifically, we compared final grade outcomes and the risk of withdrawal among students who received a low estimated grade after the first midterm. Results indicated that viewing performance feedback, including a low estimated grade, was not associated with withdrawal from the course for at-risk students. Furthermore, at-risk students who used Elements of Success were found to be resilient. After controlling for prior learning outcomes, demographics, and self-reported study skills, it was found that they were more likely to earn a final passing grade (C- or above) than at-risk students who never used it. The results and limitations are further discussed.
Presentations and Publications
Russell, J., Smith, A., & Larsen, R. (2020). Elements of success: Supporting at-risk student resilience through learning analytics. Computers and Education, 152 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2020.103890.
Smith, A. Russell, J., & Seedorff, N. (2019, October). Predictive Models for Students: Ethical and Practical Considerations. Lightning Round Session at Educause Annual Conference in Chicago, IL.
Smith, A., Miller, R., Seedorff, N., & Russell, J. (2019, April). Supporting students' self-regulated learning through learning analytics. A presentation at Unizin Summit in Denver Colorado.
Russell, J., & Smith, A. (2019, March). Elements of Success: Supporting A-risk Students Resilience through Learning Analytics. A poster presentation at Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference in Tempe, Arizona.
Van Horne, S., Curran, M., Smith, A., Miller, R., & Larsen, R. (2018). Facilitating student success in introductory chemistry with feedback in an online platform. Technology, Knowledge, and Learning, 23(1) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10758-017-9341-0.
Van Horne, S., Larsen, R., & Miller, R. (2015, February) Engaging faculty in the adoption of learning analytics in a large introductory chemistry course. A presentation delivered at EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative in Anaheim, CA.
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