AI is ubiquitous, and students are exposed to it regardless of classroom policies. Many faculty members embrace AI and incorporate it into their classrooms to support student learning. This AI research project aims to understand our students’ use of AI and its impact on their learning.

If you incorporate AI (e.g., generative AI) in your classroom and wish to join the research group, please contact Research and Analytics. We will handle the IRB process, data collection, and analysis. We hope to collaborate on the research direction in your course and the dissemination of the findings.

Overarching research questions

  1. What are students’ experiences with AI in specific courses (e.g., perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, and interaction patterns with AI)?
  2. What is the impact of AI on student learning (positive and negative)
  3. How do student interactions with AI vary based on their views of the ethical use of AI?

Research data

  1. Students’ interaction data with AI tools
  2. Student performance data
  3. Survey data


Participating Faculty Members

Fall 2024

  1. AI Tutor on Macmillan Achieve in CHEM:1110/1120, BIOL:1411/1412, ECON:1100, Michael Sinnwell, Adam Brummett, Brandon Waltz, Erin Irish, Alexandra Nica, Krista Osadchuk, Kefa Onchoke, and Jane Nachman
  2. Virtual Tutor in Engineering: Ibrahim Demir, Yusuf Muhammed, Humberto Vergara Arrieta
  3. AI vs. Chat in CS:1210, Alberto Segre

Spring 2025

  1. AI writing partner in BUS:3000, Carl Foller, Pam Bourjaily, Jim Chaffee


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