This year's Innovations in Teaching with Technology Awards (ITTA) recipient is building an AI-enabled teaching assistant.
Phase 3: AI Enabled Intelligent Assistant for Personalized and Adaptive Learning and Advising
Ibrahim Demir, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, was awarded $53,623 for the third phase of the AI Enabled Intelligent Assistant (AIIA) for Personalized and Adaptive Learning and Advising project. The funds will be used to develop a prototype framework for an AI-Enabled Personalized Smart Assistant and pilot it in two courses (undergraduate and graduate). The latest work will enhance and refine the AIIA platform, focusing on the creation and integration of tools for assistant personalization and learning analytics and the development of the AI-based system for student engagement and progress tracking. These activities will encompass software development, data curation, platform integration, and rigorous testing as well as student and instructor facing evaluation studies.
Funded through student technology fees, the ITTA support significant, innovative projects that show the potential to improve teaching and learning at the University of Iowa. ITTA has provided over $1.8 million to innovative teaching and technology projects since 2001.
ITTA will begin accepting applications for the next round of funding in September 2024. If you have questions about the application process or want to discuss an idea, email the Office of Teaching, Learning, and Technology at