Final Calculated Grade

You offer a project-based class with three different types of grade items. However, you do not wish to weight the grade items differently. You assign weekly homework worth 5 points, quizzes worth 10, and the final worth 60 points. You also drop the lowest homework assignment score.


You release final grade to the student. It’s calculated as shown below.

Grade ItemCalculation
Week 1= 4/5 * 100 = 80%
Week 2= 1/5 * 100 = Dropped
Week 3= 3/5 * 100 = 60%
Week 4= 5/5 * 100 = 100%
Quiz 1= 6/10 * 100 = 60%
Quiz 2= 8/10 * 100 = 80%
Final Exam= 50/60 * 100 = 83.33%
Final Adjusted Grade= (4+3+5+6+8+50)/(60+10+10+5+5+5) * 100 = 80% is the final adjusted grade

Final Calculated Grade Using Weighted Assignment Groups

You offer a project-based class with three different types of grade items. You weight the grade items differently. You assign weekly homework 10%, quizzes 35%, and the final 55%. You also drop the lowest homework assignment score. Notice that you can make the max points higher as opposed to a non-weighted setup, as each section is worth only a certain portion of the overall grade.


You release final grade to the student. It’s calculated as shown below.

Grade ItemsCalculations
Week 1= 8/10 = 80%
Week 2= 9/10 = 90%
Week 3= 7/10 = 70%
Week 4= 2/10 = Dropped
HW Total (10% of total grade)= (9+8+7)/(10+10+10) * 100 = 80%
80% * (10/100) = 8% of final grade
Quiz 1= 45/50 * 100 = 90%
Quiz 2= 40/50 = 80%
Quiz Total (35% of total grade)

= (40+45)/(50+50) * 100 = 85%

85% * (35/100) = 29.75% of final grade

Exam (55% of total grade)

= 93/100 * 100 = 93%

93% * (55/100) = 51.15 % of final grade

Final Adjusted Grade= 8 + 29.75 + 51.15 = 88.9% is the final adjusted grade

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